As I said, here the next part of Saba Green Cone speakers. I tested the Saba in my selfmade Hemp cabinet. This cabinet provide a very good bass responce. I made a adapter ring, that the Saba fit into the mounting holes of the Hemp. The tweeter I put in a 4 inch Thai pipe, I use a 4,7 uF capacitor for the tweeter. The first impression was really unbeliveable. I never thought that this old "ugly" speaker sounds so nice. The details were very precious and there was a very detailed soundstage. And even the bass was good in this big cabinet, I have heared a lot of people they said there was only a little bass. Now I make a new tweeter housing. But I really can tell, that the sound of this green cone speakers are excellent.
This speakers was from a old Saba Radio, I forgot the name. This speakers are 56 years old, the radio was made in 1952. This magnet of the fullrange is really "small", but the bass is really impressive. The effciency is around 98 dB with 1 Watt. My EL 34 SE triode mono blocks bring arround 3 Watt RMS - this is enough.
So, I have experimented with the housing of the tweeter. The length of the pipe is very important for the "sound". Now I use 200 mm length - maybe I will further increase. I start with 100 mm than 150 mm and now 200 mm. It is also better to put the tweeter itself backwards. If the tweeter is too much in the front it gets to sharp. I will still work on this.
In refer to DIY Projekt seeker, I mean, that you see on the pictures I post, that I move "the hole tweeter unit" backwards. The membrane, of cause, is facing the front side of the speaker. In the pipe I put the white speaker damping materia, you can buy in Ban Mor. I think closing the rear of the tweeter, than you will lost of the great sound stage of this speaker. I will post a new picture, for better understanding. It looks stange but the sound is better with the tweeter moved backwards.
Here some more pictures of my finished tweeter cabinet, and a coverring for the woofer. I think, so it looks quite okay. The sound with the vented tweeter is very open, and big sound stage. The tweeter goes only up to 17 Khz, but I personally like this sound.
Here a picture of the whole speaker.
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